Tuesday, 4 March 2014


I bought a Moleskin diary with one page per day at the beginning of the year. I wasn't sure what I was going to do with it, but I love Moleskin notebooks, and I just wanted one. I've used it a bit for daily to do lists, but that's not really my style. I prefer electronic for that, plus I've started blocking time for tasks rather than listing, and that is WAY better on iCal than on paper.

Well, the diary is proving perfect for logging my Parenting Project progress:

I'm giving myself stars! I think I need gold ones though.

I'm getting on much better with this mindfulness book. It outlines an 8 week programme. I'm reading through it this week, and I will start week 1 on Monday. I'm going to feel ridiculous doing it, but I will.

Therapy tonight - yay!

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